Florist vs. Bodega
The Daily News tackles the age-old question whether florists can match bodedgas in quality of flowers. The answer may surprise you! “The price of love: Florists’ roses go nose-to-nose vs. bodega bargains”:
Over the next few days, thousands of New York men will be faced with a thorny choice: florist or bodega.
As they head home to their honey on Valentine’s Day, they could find a nice flower shop and pick up a dozen long-stemmed roses for about $50.
But many of those men will be tempted to just drop by the corner grocery and buy a bouquet of the red blossoms for a third or less of that price.
After all, a rose is a rose is a rose, right? And it’s not like the love of their life will be able to tell the difference. Right?
Not so fast, Romeo.
An informal survey by the Daily News found that with a glance and sniff, four out of six women can distinguish the cher from the cheap.