They Smell A Rat
Completely unrelated to the Gotti trial:
Posted: March 13th, 2006 | Filed under: Insert Muted Trumpet's Sad Wah-Wah HereThousands arrive each day at the main information booth under the clock in Grand Central Terminal seeking information about arrivals and departures. For one rodent, the booth offered only a departure.
A rat or mouse has apparently died within or around the center interior walls of the booth, a lead customer service representative supervisor at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Ernest Slaughter, said. “We’re looking for him. It stinks.”
The rodent died under a canopy of stars, below a famous indoor zodiac. Perhaps Orion the Hunter could descend from the constellation above and lend a hand in searching for a possible carcass. Perhaps the military inside the building could call on the Army Corps of Engineers to help.
A customer service representative who took over from Mr. Slaughter in a rotation and gave only his first name, John, said the animal had perhaps already been found. Another MTA employee, who declined to give his name, said while walking from the area, “We can smell him. We can’t find him.”