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National Reprographics, Inc.'s "Route 66" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Ted Moudis Associates' "Melt In Your Mouth, Not On Your Cans" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Robert A.M.Stern Architects' "We Come In Peas" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Gensler's "CANsino" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Goldstein Associates Consulting Engineers' "The BroCan Obelisk" Entry, Canstruction 2005

STV Incorporated's "Playing the Blues for Louisiana" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Leslie E. Robertson Associates' "There CAN Be a Solution to Hunger" Entry (Rubik's Cube On Its Side), Canstruction 2005

Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum's "GuCANheim" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Mancini-Duffy's "Milk-can-Cookies" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Gilsanz Murray Steficek's "YucaCAN Mayan Temple" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Polshek Partnership Architects' "The CAN-cobra: Scaling Back Hunger" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Perkins Eastman's "CANtarctica" Entry, Canstruction 2005

The Thornton-Tomasetti Group's "The CANterpillar" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Rogers Marvel Architects' "Club CANdwich (Blue Plate Special)" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Daniel Frankfurt's "Can-Ping Trip" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Conant Architects' "iCan mega" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Severud Associates Consulting Engineers' "Pirates of the Can-obean" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Ferguson & Shamamian Architects' "CrustaceCan" Entry, Canstruction 2005

Urbahn Architects' "Canstellation" Entry, Canstruction 2005

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