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United Nations
United Nations Building From Water Taxi, Midtown Manhattan, September 7, 2008

United Nations from East River Waterfront

United Nations, Midtown Manhattan United Nations, View from North at Night

Visit the United Nations Brochure, ca. 1965 Visit the United Nations Brochure, ca. 1965

Visit the United Nations Brochure, ca. 1965

Visit the United Nations Brochure, ca. 1965

United Nations from End of 43rd Street, Midtown Manhattan

United Nations From Hunters Point, Queens

United Nations During Its 60th Anniversary, Hunters Point, Queens, October 21, 2005

United Nations Building From Roosevelt Island, June 16, 2004

United Nations Building From Tudor City Place and 42nd Street, Midtown Manhattan, July 12, 2006

United Nations Building From Tudor City Place and 42nd Street, Midtown Manhattan, July 13, 2006

United Nations Building From Tudor City Place and 42nd Street, Midtown Manhattan, July 13, 2006

United Nations From First Avenue, Midtown Manhattan

United Nations From 38th Street and First Avenue, Midtown Manhattan, November 5, 2011

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United Nations
"The World Is Tense . . . And There Is Much Shopping To Do" Blog Entry, September 18, 2006
"Sure They Can Park Where They Want But Then Again, They Work In A Fire Trap" Blog Entry, May 14, 2007
"UNMOVIC's Revenge" Blog Entry, August 30, 2007
"Maybe The WMDs Were Cleaning Solvents?" Blog Entry, September 6, 2007
"I Am Rubber You Are Glue, Your Words Bounce Off Me And Stick To You" Blog Entry, November 13, 2007
"Grandstanding The Grandstanders" Blog Entry, September 10, 2008

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