Expensive, But Worth It
Upon being questioned about the city’s higher-than-average tax rates, Hizzoner maintained that we get what we pay for:
New Yorkers pay more taxes because they get more services, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday as he defended the city’s sky-high tax rates.
“I would love to reduce taxes more,” he said. “But, unfortunately, given the level of services that the public wants, we just have to have money to pay for things. And I don’t know anybody that’s urging us to reduce the services.”
. . .
Bloomberg explained that it costs a lot of money to make a city of 8.1 million people work.
“My first priority is to make sure that we have the money to pay our 300,000 employees and to help those that are less fortunate than the rest of us, to help educate and protect and expand and enhance cultural institutions, [to] build for the future so we get tourists here,” he said.
More services . . . like millions of free condoms every month!
Posted: February 23rd, 2007 | Filed under: Grrr!