Because Of Course Every Strip Club Patron References Diana Ross
Frank Bruni is, uh, not very convincing in his apparently undercover review of Robert’s Steakhouse, which is located in the Penthouse Executive Club:
Posted: March 1st, 2007 | Filed under: FeedWe were strangers to such pulchritudinous territory, less susceptible to the scenery than other men might be, more aroused by the side dishes than the sideshow: underdressed, overexposed young women in the vestibule, by the coat check, at the top of the red-carpeted stairs up to the restaurant, on the stage that many of the restaurant’s tables overlook.
“Are you hungry?” one of these women said, making hungry sound like an X-rated word. “Ravenous?”
Speechless was more like it. We sat down in a cocktail lounge at the front of the restaurant. A beautiful woman claimed the plush armchair opposite mine. She introduced herself. I wasn’t sure I’d heard her name correctly.
“Mahogany?” I said.
“Yes,” she purred.
I was getting my bearings. “Mahogany,” I asked, “do you know where you’re going to?”
She didn’t miss a beat, noting the reference, summoning the singer, and moving on to another of the dreamgirl’s hits. “I’m . . . coming . . . out!” she sang, waving her arms, wiggling her hips. Mahogany and I would get along just fine.
She said she was running low on cabernet. I took the cue and asked if I could buy her a fresh glass. “Yes,” she said. “And you can pour it on my toes.”