You Know You Have A Problem With Landmarking When . . .
. . . no one realizes something is a landmark:
The team behind the Cherry Hill Gourmet Restaurant and Market to open in Lundy’s has finally revealed why it ripped up part of the historic building’s exterior — it didn’t know the building was landmarked.
Apparently, the architect hired for the project never checked city records.
“Our architect did not do that,” project manager Anthony Kelley told residents at last week’s Sheepshead Bay/Plumb Beach Civic Association meeting, which was held in the famed Emmons Avenue building.
As a result, workers replaced the concrete in front of the building with small, colored tiles and installed a black iron railing near Lundy’s main entrance.
“The awnings were taken down and the outside was started — yes, our fault,” Kelley admitted.
Just a cautionary tale for the future . . .
Posted: March 17th, 2009 | Filed under: Brooklyn, See, The Thing Is Was . . .