More Bloomberg Legacy
Push through a crazy new media-ready initiative and not anticipate what work would need to go into it:
The cheapo tables and chairs set up in the pedestrian-only sections of Times Square have become a magnet for nightcrawler slobs who carelessly toss hot-dog wrappers, empty soda bottles and McDonald’s bags on the street.
“Especially speaking of weekends, like Saturday and Sunday morning, it looks like a bomb hit,” said Tim Tompkins, the president of Times Square Alliance, the group responsible for keeping the plazas clean.
Officials said they were caught off-guard by the crowds drawn to the newly car-free section of Broadway, and that the trash is one of the growing pains of the setup.
On Saturday night, the Department of Sanitation was called in to do an additional garbage-truck run just to clean out overflowing trash cans, Tompkins said.
The alliance, which gets its funding from business owners to keep the area spruced up, is revamping its cleaning staff’s hours to fill a late-night gap in service from 10 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.
I’m sure the BID is excited about that . . .
Posted: June 9th, 2009 | Filed under: Well, What Did You Expect?