Bloomberg Making It Easier To Vote Him In For Third Term
Now we see the wisdom in going after the public transit rider vote — polling stations at bus stops:
City buses are notoriously late, but many New Yorkers can’t even find out when they’re supposed to arrive.
None of the MTA Bus Company local lines have timetables posted on polls at stops and the Guide-A-Ride listings won’t be coming soon. The MTA just doesn’t have the money to put up schedules along the 46 routes serving the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens, NYC Transit spokesman Charles Seaton said.
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Most of the shelters are located next to polls serving NYC Transit lines, which usually have paper schedules (and some have digital ones), city Department of Transportation spokesman Montgomery Dean said. A DOT contractor maintains the shelters while the MTA is in charge of the timetables.
Emphasis added.
Posted: September 3rd, 2009 | Filed under: Followed By A Perplexed Stroke Of The Chin