Next Time, Please Make All Edits In Pencil
As the City budget looks grim for next year, the Staten Island Advance identifies ways the City is doing its best to use up whatever money is left in this year’s budget:
Fresh off the pointless labor of putting lines on a Dongan Hills street, the city Department of Transportation was painting the town again yesterday, this time laying reflective white stripes down the center of the West Shore Expressway.
Only problem is, the new paint was dropped right down the pothole-riddled center of the crumbling highway, which is itself slated for milling and repaving starting Monday night.
Many of the new hashmarks were actually painted inside the potholes, which had the comical effect of accentuating their depth and craggy edges.
That’s just the micro version of municipal waste. The Daily News’ Errol Louis discusses some macro issues here.
Posted: May 7th, 2010 | Filed under: Staten Island, Things That Make You Go "Oy", You're Kidding, Right?