Just So You Know As You Take The Bus Through The Lincoln Tunnel Into The Port Authority Before Heading Up To The Yankees Game . . .
. . . it’s all probably just fine:
Posted: August 4th, 2011 | Filed under: Architecture & Infrastructure, Things That Make You Go "Oy", We're All Gonna Die!A major testing lab and its top execs have been indicted on charges they faked concrete-strength tests at hundreds of city building sites, including Yankee Stadium and the Lincoln Tunnel.
Officials of American Standard Testing and Consulting Laboratories Inc. “regularly skipped vital safety tests and created false reports to create the impression that the tests were performed,” an indictment unsealed in Manhattan Supreme Court yesterday charged.
Prosecutors said projects involved in the 12-year scam also included Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the Javits Center, the Port Authority Bus Terminal and the control tower at LaGuardia Airport.