Why There Oughta Be A City Council Resolution!
New York City Councilman Eric Gioia attends to the most important issues facing his district:
Posted: February 23rd, 2006 | Filed under: You're Kidding, Right?Banning pointed metal scissors and small tools from airplanes to make airline travel safer and to send a clear signal to terrorists has been proposed recently by Congressmember Joseph Crowley and City Councilmember Eric Gioia.
The lawmakers said that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) reimposing the ban on these small tools would send a clear signal to terrorists that the United States would remain vigilant in securing the safety of its citizens and the country.
Both also said they support pending legislation to reimpose the ban on those articles and others.
The TSA officially lifted the ban last December and immediately ran into strong opposition from Crowley and other public officials. Crowley (D–Queens/The Bronx) introduced the Leave All Blades Behind Act [Damn you, Bush for beginning this “Leave . . . Behind” convention!], which seeks to reinstate the ban on all scissors and tools that can be used to threaten the lives of airline passengers and flight personnel.
United States Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D–New York) introduced a similar measure calling for freezing the list of previously prohibited items.
Gioia (D–Long Island City) announced he would introduce a resolution in the City Council denouncing the TSA’s decision and supporting the bills introduced by Clinton and Crowley.