Oh, So Giuilani Can Say He Wants To Blow Up The Entire Board Of Education But You Make One Hollow Threat Against Your Daughter’s School And They Want To Drag You In Like Some Kind Of Terrorist . . .
Parent involvement is the key to a child’s successful education:
A Rossville man who believed his 9-year-old daughter was getting short shrift from her teacher made a bomb threat against her school, authorities said yesterday.
Robert Stanley, 47, of Lucille Avenue, was arrested Tuesday night during the science fair at PS 56.
In a heated telephone conversation with a school secretary Tuesday afternoon, Stanley identified himself and said he was “coming there to blow the school up,” according to police.
At the science fair, school safety officers pointed out Stanley to police. He was charged with one count of aggravated harassment and two counts of making a false report, charges that could land him behind bars for four years.
Stanley contended that he was just venting his spleen over the telephone.
Remember when Giuliani said that?
Posted: March 16th, 2006 | Filed under: Staten Island