He’s Saying What You’re Thinking
At least one person in a position of power is questioning the one-seat $6 billion rail link to JFK:
The proposed Downtown rail link to J.F.K. Airport is “a really stupid project” as far as U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler is concerned, and the money would be better spent on other transportation projects.
In an exclusive interview with Downtown Express editors and reporters last Friday, Nadler discussed Downtown transportation projects, favoring the Second Ave. subway — and practically any other transportation proposal on the docket — over the rail link.
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The $6 billion rail link that would connect Lower Manhattan to J.F.K. Airport and the Long Island Rail Road should be ranked “minus 4,000” on the list of transportation priorities, Nadler said. He doesn’t think the number of people who would use the line justifies the cost, particularly compared to the Second Ave. subway.
“The best investment is the Calatrava [train station] and the Second Ave. subway because those will have a tremendous impact on Downtown,” Nadler said in reference to the Santiago Calatrava-designed, commuter-subway station being built at the W.T.C. The airport link would stop near the W.T.C. station.
The project’s environmental impact statement is in the preliminary stages and is expected to be completed sometime next year. According to initial estimates, the project would shorten the commute from Long Island by 15 minutes and get Downtowners, business travelers and tourists to the airport in about 20 minutes.
See also: Never Forget . . . It Goes On The Expense Account.
Posted: May 1st, 2006 | Filed under: Architecture & Infrastructure