I Just Want To Say One Word To You — Just One Word. Seaplanes.
There’s a great future in seaplanes. Think about it:
The mayor floated the idea while lamenting the lack of a nonstop train to the plane and the impossibility of expanding the three existing airports in the metropolitan area. “If you take a look at a map, one thing we have going for us is an enormous runway all around us — it’s called water,” Bloomberg said on his weekly WABC-AM radio show.
A licensed pilot and the owner of a private jet, Bloomberg noted that the Russians “are building some enormous seaplanes” that can carry as many as 100 people.
He said seaplanes could be used for hops to Boston, Chicago, Atlanta and even Florida. “You could land out away from everybody and then taxi in,” Bloomberg said, adding. “There’s no environmental issues to speak of.”
Will you think about it?
Posted: June 5th, 2006 | Filed under: Architecture & Infrastructure