The Daily News Had “Six New Yorkers May Have E. Coli”, The Times Went With “Reports Of Illness Spread As Searchers Zero In On E. Coli Source” . . . And Then There’s The Post
The Post nearly sinks to Queens Ledger depths of disgustingness with its headline “E. COLI ‘RUNS’ IN NYC”.
Also of note, Long Islanders who are nonconsumers of any type of news:
Posted: December 8th, 2006 | Filed under: New York Post, Please, Make It StopSix New York City residents are exhibiting signs of E. coli food poisoning after eating at local Taco Bells, the Department of Health said yesterday.
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The current health scare isn’t just hitting customers in their stomachs — it’s hitting employees in their wallets.
“Basically, a lot of people have been cut; it’s really unfortunate,” said a manager at a Long Island Taco Bell, who asked not to be identified because of a gag order the food chain has put on its workers.
“For example, I have a single mother who has two kids. I had to cut her because I don’t have any hours — and it’s right before Christmas. I just feel Taco Bell is being punished for something they had no control over.”
The source said that employees eat the food, and none has gotten sick so far.
The source said the 40 restaurants on Long Island are down to just a trickle of customers — mostly those who haven’t heard of the E. coli scare. That revenue stream doesn’t even come close to covering salaries or overhead.