Alanis Morissette Irony Or Real Irony?
Yup, I think it’s an example of real irony! And the Post eats up this kind of story like cancer:
Posted: February 21st, 2007 | Filed under: Tragicomic, Ironic, Obnoxious Or AbsurdOne of the city’s biggest homeless-advocacy groups is on the verge of kicking a sickly woman out of the Manhattan apartment where she has lived for more than 20 years, court papers charge.
Under any other circumstances, Luz Bonano, a cancer survivor, could appeal to the nonprofit, Manhattan-based Coalition for the Homeless for help if she ended up on the street.
But it’s the coalition itself that owns her building on West 77th Street — and it’s gone to court to try to get her out.
“They’re supposed to be housing the homeless,” said Bonano, who has lived in her apartment for 22 years. “So what are they doing evicting people?”
. . .
The coalition claims Bonano owes more than $30,000 in back rent — money it says could help other people in need.
Bonano has been battling non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for nearly five years and lives off a $710 monthly disability stipend.