Health Department Finds Sex Declined Sharply At Close Of First Quarter
It’s probably not so much that New Yorkers refuse to use them as it is the case that they’re still sitting unused in everybody’s wallets:
Posted: May 8th, 2007 | Filed under: Insert Muted Trumpet's Sad Wah-Wah HereThe city’s health commissioner warned yesterday he’ll dump the condom-giveaway programs if New Yorkers cool to the subway-themed freebies.
Between March 15 and April 15, the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene gave away 3.7 million of its transit-themed prophylactics. That’s a sharp drop from the 5 million given away in the 30 days after the condoms’ Valentine’s Day debut.
“If we find launching this brand didn’t increase at all safe sex among the groups at highest risk, we may stop it entirely,” Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Frieden said.