No, Not The Unprecedented Triple-Assed “Ass Assassination”!
Charles Barron is a city treasure and Washington needs him:
Posted: June 1st, 2007 | Filed under: Things That Make You Go "Oy"Councilman Leroy Comrie was given additional police protection Wednesday night following an emotional council debate over a proposal to rename a Brooklyn street after controversial black activist Sonny Carson.
The measure was voted down along racial lines, but Comrie joined a handful of black and Hispanic councilmen who abstained.
Their abstention outraged other black council members and their supporters, who had rallied earlier on the steps of City Hall.
After the noisy vote, Viola Plummer, chief of staff for Councilman Charles Barron — who was a strong backer of the Carson proposal — said Comrie would never realize his goal of being elected Queens borough president.
“If it takes an assassination of his ass, he will not be borough president of the borough in which I live,” Plummer said outside City Hall, according to the Web site.
Comrie, a Democrat from St. Albans, had no comment.
But sources said he got extra protection late Wednesday because of “some concern” about his safety going home.
Comrie’s additional security was dropped yesterday.
Barron (D-Brooklyn) laughed off the incident as “absurd.”
“[Comrie] knows Viola. She said his political life is over. He didn’t need any extra security. That’s silly,” he said.
“He’s looking for sympathy and attention because he did a stupid thing,” Barron said of Comrie’s abstention.
Asked if Plummer’s comment was appropriate, he said, “Absolutely.”