The Easiest Sister Souljah Moment Ever
Maybe there are some people left in the world who would accept the premise that Council Speaker Christine Quinn represents the tyranny of The Man. Who exactly that would be, I have no idea:
Posted: July 26th, 2007 | Filed under: PoliticalIn a move sure to be remembered during her expected run for mayor, the speaker of the City Council, Christine Quinn, cracked down yesterday on a fired council aide, Viola Plummer, barring her from the council chamber floor, with police on hand to enforce the rule.
A defiant Plummer and the council member she worked for as chief of staff, Charles Barron, left the chamber after three police officers and four security guards moved in on them before the official portion of the meeting.
Mr. Barron, a former Black Panther, rolled up his sleeves and stood as a buffer between Plummer and the police before she agreed to walk out. As he strode from the chamber with Plummer, Mr. Barron called out, “Christine, you’ll never be mayor.”
Reporters and television cameras swarmed the pair, who stopped on the steps of the rotunda of City Hall to say the ejection was racist and reminiscent of segregationist policies.
“This was a selective enforcement of the law so that they can continue the harassment, the retaliation, and the discrimination against not Viola Plummer and Charles Barron, but black people in general,” Mr. Barron said. “This is another form of Jim Crow-ism. They want us to sit in the back of the bus, in the balcony, anytime you are an assertive black, and that’s the problem in City Hall.” Plummer, who appeared visibly shaken by the standoff, said it should make no difference where she sits during a council meeting. What Ms. Quinn “thought she could do, and what she almost did, was to provoke me,” Plummer said. “I have a history, I have a history, of dealing with the likes of Christine Quinn.”