Talking Christmas Bonus Blues
There’s no guarantee that your attorney isn’t quietly going home and turning your embarrassing custody battle into a song:
Posted: December 26th, 2007 | Filed under: Crap Your Pants Say Yeah!The skills of successful litigators with three decades in the law profession include the ability to craft an unfortunate situation into a lawsuit and arrange the evidence into a persuasive argument. But producing songs from those experiences and scoring them to electric guitar riffs is a more unusual skill, the domain of one lawyer, Lawrence Savell, who does his part to bring the insider world of high-power litigation to the masses.
A partner at Chadbourne & Parke, Mr. Savell, who just turned 50, waxes poetic on the intricacies of seeing opposing counsel and of emotions running high on late nights. This year, he produced his fourth album, “The Lawtunes, Live at Blackacre,” while earlier albums have had holiday themes to their songs.
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Slightly hokey but with earnest charm, the songs cover topics with which lawyers are all too familiar. The lyrics are filled with references that include emerging issues like electronic discovery, the joys of reviewing briefs in early morning hours with cold take-out, and imaging the life of Santa Claus’s general counsel.
“The inspiration is really just working as a lawyer and trying to find, especially at the holidays, a little bit of humor in what we do, and not to take ourselves so seriously,” Mr. Savell said.
There are love songs to law and inspirational ballads, like “Law Man,” which Mr. Savell describes as “a hard-pounding and blunt explanation of exactly what it is that lawyers do.” The title character offers his fighting services to any lawyer facing the wrong end of a lawsuit, or losing a promotion to nepotism.