80s Redux
On the one hand you have a worldwide financial meltdown followed by perhaps the greatest structural changes to the economy since the 1930s. On the other hand you have a dirtier Bowery. And that’s something all of us understand:
Lizzy Goodman was one of the fortunate ones of the class of 2002; upon graduating from Penn, she had a job lined up as an assistant teacher at Buckley, the all-boys school on the Upper East Side. Six years later, she’s an editor at large at Blender. Like some of her peers, she seems hopeful that, instead of being a harbinger of utter doom, this crash will instead level the playing field just a little bit.
“I don’t think anyone is hoping for American financial collapse just so that the Bowery can be seedy again,” said Ms. Goodman, who lives in the West Village. “But on the other hand, if in the wake of this collective shuttering and fearing comes a return to old school ’80s boho New York, I would certainly be in favor of that.”
Fortunately for her, there are literally hundreds of us who consider our subscription to Blender to be utterly indispensible.
Posted: September 24th, 2008 | Filed under: Bah! Humbug!, Please, Make It Stop, Things That Make You Go "Oy"