The Borough President’s Office Does What Exactly?
Not a sarcastic question — I’m genuinely curious:
Posted: November 14th, 2008 | Filed under: Follow The Money, Things That Make You Go "Oy"Mayor Bloomberg’s budget axe is taking another big chunk out of Queens Borough President Helen Marshall’s office.
As the city’s economy continues to sink, Bloomberg has ordered Marshall to cut $117,000 and a minimum of two jobs from her $4.6 million payroll by the end of this fiscal year, which ends on June 30.
That’s on top of $1.4 million City Hall lopped off Marshall’s budget at the start of the fiscal year.
Marshall called the cuts “devastating” and told the Daily News she will likely have to pink-slip seven of her 57 staffers.
“It cuts to the bone,” she said of the mid-year budget revisions, announced last week.
Bloomberg’s edict also forces Marshall to lose $186,000 from her budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
Criticized in the press recently for having a $63,000-a-year chauffeur, Marshall is reeling at the thought of swallowing the bitter budget pill.
“We can’t really take any more cuts. We’re already at rock bottom,” she said, adding that she’s unsure how to meet the minimum layoff requirement, or when it would happen.