Am I Authentic, Blue-Collar Or Proud [Check Box]?
They may not have done much yet in the off season but that doesn’t mean the team isn’t concerned about the brand:
With the last few dismal seasons behind them and one full of questions ahead, the Mets are conducting surveys — to find ways to win fans back.
“If the Mets’ logo were to appear on your favorite brand of bread, how would it affect your purchase?” asks an online poll sent to fans.
Some had a quick response — grumbling that the nearly 50-year-old franchise still seems more focused on developing a brand than on winning games. “This survey is either a testimony to their chutzpah or further proof that management is so out of touch with the fan base. Either way, it’s not the right way to connect with your potential customers,” [one fan] said after answering a survey question on whether he saw the Mets as “authentic,” “blue-collar” or “proud.”
Other funny questions in the survey include “When thinking about the New York Mets, what are the first five (5) words or phrases that come to mind?” — I would love to see some of the responses. Also “How likely would you recommend being a New York Mets fan to a friend or colleague?” — would even a fan wish that on someone? And this:
Which of the following phrases best describes the New York Mets organization? (Please select up to three responses)
- A community-oriented, socially responsible organization
- A young, hard-working organization that emphasizes a “team” approach
- A diverse organization that represents the local area
- An organization that plays the game hard, the right way, and with respect
- A welcoming, inviting, accessible and approachable organization
- A real, authentic organization that represents New York’s heritage and values
- An inspiring organization that works “for the people”
- A family-friendly, fan-friendly, fun organization
- An organization with new direction and new philosophy
- None of the above
People, take it away! Mets, please please please publish the responses!
Posted: December 17th, 2010 | Filed under: Sports