About Those Ballfields They Promised . . .
The Times’ Corey Kilgannon notes that the ballfields that were to have replaced the ones that were razed to make way for the New Yankee Stadium are still unfinished, five years after the fact:
On Thursday, the New York Yankees begin their regular season at Yankee Stadium, a gleaming $1.5 billion behemoth that opened in the Bronx in 2009 as the new home of one of the richest franchises in sports.
But next to the stadium is a lingering eyesore — a protracted construction project that was supposed to have been transformed into three public ball fields months ahead of opening day. Instead, some coaches and neighborhood residents say, it remains a joyless Mudville.
Location Scout: Yankee Stadium.
Posted: March 31st, 2011 | Filed under: Jerk Move, The Bronx