Defining Heinousness And Egregiousness Upward/No Hyperbole Left Behind
No doubt, this was a terrible thing for budding sociopaths to do:
The three suspects range in age from 11 to 13.
And while some of their fellow students inside Dreyfus Intermediate School were getting after-school help with their studies yesterday afternoon, the trio and two accomplices allegedly robbed a delivery man of pizza pies and soda in the school parking lot.
Teachers had ordered the snacks for kids studying after school.
But the problem with calling it both heinous and egregious is that it leaves little room for that which is really both heinous and egregious:
Posted: March 17th, 2011 | Filed under: Just Horrible, Staten Island“This is a heinous and egregious act and this type of act is commonplace, and the students behave this way because they know there’s little or no consequences for their actions,” said a source at the Stapleton school.