Do You Like Me For My: Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect [Please Check Box!]
Posted: April 30th, 2009 | Filed under: Law & Order, You're Kidding, Right?The NYPD has begun handing out informational cards to pedestrians they stop, question and frisk, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Thursday.
Cops in sections of Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx have given those people 4 X 2 1/2-inch white cards that explain a so-called stop, question and frisk encounter.
“We know that the whole stopping and question procedure is a difficult one for us,” Kelly told reporters at Police Headquarters.
“People are, at the very least, losing time, and we’re taking time away from them. We’re hoping to . . . give people a little more information about what the procedure is and why it’s being done.”
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The two-sided card cites common reasons for stops, such as carrying what appears to be a weapon, sights or sounds that suggest criminal activities, or reports of suspicious behavior.