One More And There Will Be A Meta-Trend Piece About Literary Tropes Applied To The Mayor’s Legacy
What did we say about Moby Dick references being like catnip to reporters pining for their undergraduate days? Here is another:
“He was like Ahab,” said one senior Bloomberg administration official, referring to Mr. Page’s obsession with the project.
Earlier: That’s What We Were Waiting For In A Third Term!; Technology Rules!; Bloomberg: “Massive Computer Projects . . . Very Seldom . . . Successful”; Textbook Irony, Right?
Posted: March 28th, 2011 | Filed under: Well, What Did You Expect?Proving Yet Again That If You Lie Down With Bicyclists, You’ll Wake Up With Anemic Census Figures
See, you can’t be surprised — or shocked! — to learn that “the hottest borough in which to live, work and play grew only a small percentage in the past decade” when the image in popular culture is that Brooklyn is a place where childless 30- and 40-somethings while away Thursday afternoons playing kickball at McCarren Park:
Posted: March 25th, 2011 | Filed under: Brooklyn, Survey Says!/La Encuesta Dice!, Well, What Did You Expect?The film, which won the award for Best New York Narrative at the Tribeca Film Festival 2010, portrays New York City’s largest borough as a land where aimless thirtysomethings move to avoid adulthood.
“The idea was to make a narrative film that felt like a documentary about the demise of a Brooklyn couple,” says the 37-year-old [director Dana Adam] Shapiro, who was nominated for an Academy Award for the documentary “Murderball.” “The male character rides his bike everywhere — which is a very Brooklyn thing to do — and finds being stationary scary. He doesn’t want to settle down, and I think a lot of people will relate to that.”
“[Term Limits Automatically Remove] Public Servants Of Proven Ability Who Are At A Productive Point In Their Careers”*
More than a dozen City Council members have skirted laws, bent rules or used their positions to benefit themselves, a Daily News probe has found.
A three-month investigation found Council members who dodged taxes, violated the city’s housing and building code, circumvented regulations to get cheap housing and, in one case, even ignored criminal bench warrants.
. . .
And while the Council’s 51 members — one of whom is under indictment — routinely make laws on everything from smoking in public to recycling trash, The News found many have a history of ignoring the letter of the law.
The best thing? Five of the council members that the Daily News identified in its piece voted “yes” on the term limit extension in 2008.
*“The Limits of Term Limits” Unsigned Op-Ed, New York Times, September 30, 2008.
Posted: March 20th, 2011 | Filed under: Well, What Did You Expect?As For All Those Union Jobs . . .
. . . they were (pre-)fabricated:
And this week, Forest City Ratner confirmed that it was considering erecting a 34-story prefabricated, or modular, tower, as a way of cutting its construction costs and fulfilling its obligation to start building housing.
The construction unions that Mr. Ratner had lauded last year for sticking with him were stunned by the suggestion that much of the work might take place in a factory, where wages are much lower than on-site. Forest City has put off the start date for the tower, the first of 16, until the end of the year.
Location Scout: Atlantic Yards.
Posted: March 18th, 2011 | Filed under: Brooklyn, Well, What Did You Expect?