Now, Brothers And Sisters, Guess What, When You Set Up A Slush Fund To Indulge Your Own Venal Impulses, Opposition Emerges
It’s always about the voices of the status quo, now, isn’t it:
Posted: May 7th, 2016 | Filed under: Things That Make You Go "Oy"Mayor de Blasio joined the Rev. Al Sharpton Saturday to again chalk up his recent string of troubles to people who don’t agree with his policies.
Hizzoner hinted at the federal and criminal probes buzzing around his and his allies fundraising efforts and stood by his belief that the investigations are purely political in nature.
“Now, brothers and sisters, guess what, when you do something different, opposition emerges,” de Blasio told a packed house at the National Action Network’s Harlem headqauarters. “The voices of the status quo find many, many ways to undermine progress, to stand in the way of progress, but we will not be held back.
“We’ll keep moving forward and I need your help to do that,” he added.
Earlier, Sharpton introduced the mayor to a loud round of applause from the crowd, calling him a man of “integrity.”