Manhattan Creeps Up On You
The Lafayette, recorded for posterity in David A. Embury’s The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks is one part dry vermouth, one part Dubonnet, six parts whiskey and one dash Angostura bitters.
You know, now that I’m rereading that it’s possible I screwed up everything. Maybe the whiskey shouldn’t have been Evan Williams green label cheap bourbon. Maybe when they say “Dubonnet” they mean the white kind (which I’ve never even seen and which is supposed to be gross) and not the red kind. If so, sorry.
It tasted like a variation on a Manhattan, which it said it was going to be. It was in the “Whiskey Cocktails of the Aromatic Variety” section. I still can’t believe this guy wrote this book. It’s huge and ridiculous in its breadth. Did he actually drink all this stuff? Could anyone?
Posted: May 19th, 2015 | Author: Scott | Filed under: Cocktails | Tags: David A. Embury's The Fine Art Of Mixing Drinks, Dubonnet