Remember The Maine
You can usually follow, to a certain extent, the backstory of cocktail names in the Mr. Boston guide. Remember The Maine (page 192) does not fall into that category. The cocktail is 2 ounces rye, 3/4 ounce sweet vermouth, 1/2 ounce cherry Heering and 1/4 ounce pastis. What cherry Heering has to do with the USS Maine, I have no idea, but I was geeked to try this after coming across cherry Heering in all these recipes and never having it, then finally seeing it at one of the local liquor stores today. Full disclosure: I actually bypassed the cheery Heering luxe pack on sale (including two snifters) for a $12 bottle of some Polish stuff next to it called Nalewka Lwowecka. I guessed they were the same [checking] or apparently Heering is slightly more alcoholic.
Posted: February 15th, 2015 | Author: Scott | Filed under: Cocktails | Tags: Cherry Liqueur, Nalewka Lwowecka
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