Location: I'd rather be a lamppost in New York than Mayor of Chicago
Occupation: I have been called the Night Mayor of New York
Education: What little I know, I have learned by ear
Cigarettes: With cigarette holder
Booze: My fellow refugees from the 18th Amendment know this meal is the
best I have yet drunk -- a couple of bottles won’t go far in this
Self-love: There are three things a man must do alone -- be born, die, and testify
Last great book I read:
I’ve read not more than fifteen books from cover to cover.
Most humbling moment:
I have lived and I have loved. The only difference is that I was a little more public about it than most people. After all, maybe it isn't a mistake to be one's self and take chances. With all my misgivings, my countless mistakes, with all my multiplicity of shortcomings, I have a single regret. I have reached the peak of the hill and must start the journey downward. I have carried youth right up to the 50-yard mark. I had mine and made the most of it.
Best (or worst) lie I've ever told:
Virtue is its own reward.
If I could be anywhere at the moment:
If you’re there before it’s over, you’re on time.
Song or album that puts me in the mood:
"Will You Love Me in December as You Do in May?"
The five items I can't live without:
Forty-four suits of clothes, twenty white pique vests, twelve pairs of fancy white striped trousers, six topcoats, one hundred cravats, shirts by the dozens and a basketful of shoes.
Fill in the blanks:
What you say is sexy;
How you say it is sexier.
In my bedroom, you'll find:
I have had a lot of fun, but the trouble is that I have not had as much as I get the credit or blame for. That’s where my kick comes.
Why you should get to know me:
Can anyone expect me to keep my good nature in this campaign? I refuse to go any further than the gutter. I will not go down in a sewer. If I earn a million dollars this year, by the end of the year I’d have spent one million, ten thousand dollars.
More about what I'm looking for:
We are launching this innovation for the first time. It's a sin to go to bed on the same day you get up. Little Boy Blue is about to blow his horn -- or his top.