There's something funny about the e-book version of Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl, where, instead of a neat Tony Kushner epigraph, as one would find in the paper version, there's a sort of table of contents that gives away significant spoilers in the book.
Owning a physical copy of the book, we didn't have that experience, but I think I'd be pissed, because while I kept trying to register my ideas about how the story would unfold to Jen, who had read it first (a macho I'll-figure-this-out thing), I would feel cheated seeing any clues in advance.
At book club today, Goober wondered how and why people feel so excited about "figuring out" a story in advance. To an extent, I think it's part and parcel of a mystery-type of book — what's the fun of a mystery if you can't try to figure out how Encyclopedia Brown knew that Colonel Mustard hit Asta in the head with a candlestick? But he has a point: People just love to let other people know that they know things. And it's almost hardwired in us: Just try to watch Jeopardy! without wanting to blurt out the question to the answer. It's a sickness.
That said, Gone Girl wants you to try to figure it out. And so you try.
By Way Of A Spoiler Alert, Feel Free Not To Read Past Here If You Have Not Read Past Part One
So there's a point in the book on page 11 where Amy, one of the main characters, talks about a specific song in a diary entry dated January 8, 2005. Your first reaction might be to wonder why one would include such a specific meaningless detail, and, more important, why weigh down a book with that kind of specific meaningless detail so as to make it meaningless to a reader years from now.
By Way Of A Spoiler Alert, Feel Free Not To Read Past Here If You Have Not Read Past Part Two
Which is to say, that when I complained to Jen about reading specific meaningless details and wondered why someone would weigh down a book with that kind of specific meaningless detail so as to make it meaningless to a reader years from now, Jen got prickly: "Just keep reading." And when you keep reading you finally learn why parts of the book are littered with seemingly meaningless details and dates.
It's a really fun, smart enjoyable book — kind of like the treasure hunts that Amy sets up for her husband that figure so prominently in the story — really detailed and clever and brilliant and kind of scary smart.
By Way Of A Spoiler Alert, Feel Free Not To Read Past Here If You Have Not Read Past Part Three
Which is why the ending is a little disappointing. Or at least, the ending doesn't feel commensurate with the big, beefy, balls-out set up. It feels heady and literary and not at all satisfying in the way something like Thelma and Louise was satisfying. Not that I wanted Amy to drive off a cliff, but I think Flynn misses an opportunity in the end, which is that she succeeds so well in creating an unlikeable character (Nick) that you want to root for to succeed. And let's be clear — it's not like you're rooting for a "flawed" character like Tony Soprano or Omar Little but rather an all-American dickhead that deserves to have his up comed. So when Nick just kind of throws up his hands and admits that he actually likes all the drama, you're kind of baffled, partly because it's kind of unbelievable and partly because you're like, dude, you could have made me want to root for a defense attorney in a way that Alan Dershowitz lies awake at night fantasizing about. Disappointing.
I'll leave out the strange side character who is Amy's main obstacle preventing her from returning home that I'm still not sure I buy or understand. All of us were kind of like, "hrm." Maybe that'll be ironed out in the screenplay?
But that's not that big a deal in the end, because Gone Girl has sucked you in so thoroughly and completely and made you stay up way past a decent hour reading.
You Can Actually Probably Read This Part Because It Doesn't Really Give Away Anything In Particular
Unless you're incapable of enjoying reading — and I am almost incapable of enjoying reading, it mostly being a chore that I usually end up "enjoying," but just not in the way I "enjoy" something like, say, sports bloopers — you're probably tearing through Gone Girl. And if you're speeding through it, the novel's "smart" parts might make your head hurt if you perseverate on them too long. Specifically, there's a lot of stuff in there about "narratives," writing, writers, mediated experiences, "true selves," "reliability," media hoozie-whatzit and related stuff. It would take a while to unpack it all and I'm not sure where you'd be. I think probably her main point as it relates to this stuff is that somewhere along the way, between, say, 2005 and today, everyone got real stupid in the way they present themselves to the world in the unprivate way each of us are public and in the public way we live privately. Or whatever. Like I said, there's something in there but it's hard to say what it is because you're too wrapped up in wanting to see how this really compelling story unfolds.
Related, you might read the Acknowledgements section at the end (do all works of fiction have acknowledgements now?) and get kind of creeped out because Flynn sort of kind of maybe a little sounds like crazy fucking Amy — I mean only in the way she is kind of exuberant in her thanks and uses a lot of exclamation points! Which is similar to how Amy sounded in her diary parts in the book. That makes you realize that writers writing a well-written book — especially in the thriller-mystery genre — aim for a tightly wound pitch-perfect exemplar of internal logic. You can see Flynn with all the pieces around her just piecing them together in exactly the way Amy constructed this shitshow the book revolves around. Which makes the whole enterprise kind of "meta." Which then makes my head hurt, just a little. Better to remark that it was wonderfully copacetic that each of the male protagonist's three names said something: Lance Nick Dunne, for reasons you'll ponder as you turn the page after the end of a chapter. Smart!
OK, so the other thing I like to do for book club is cook a meal that folks enjoy, because I like to do that but also because I know that for some people it's a pain in the butt to get out to Queens on a Sunday. For Gone Girl, the obvious choice was to make Chicken Frito Casserole. I consulted a couple of online recipes which, frankly, sounded disgusting, mostly because they seemed to rely on canned cream of chicken soup. I wanted to try to do a little more of it from scratch. Not the Frito part, obviously, but just aiming a little higher than canned cream of chicken soup. Which, it turns out, isn't hard to do.
So basically, this recipe is a cross between this and this or maybe this. There doesn't seem to be a "real" recipe for Chicken Frito Casserole, just a collection of boasts that go something along the lines of, "Dump in a can of cream of chicken soup, chicken parts, cheese and Fritos and bake at 400 degrees for 75 minutes."
Funny: I assumed you could get Fritos anywhere. I don't know if it's a good thing that I had to go to three stores to find them, but it at least said something positive to me about our neighborhood. I ended up with two lousy snack pouches of Fritos for $1 each. But that was enough.
Here's what you'll need:
Cooked chicken pieces — about four breasts' worth
Whatever spices or herbs you use when you cook chicken
1 medium onion
Spices and herbs for glop
1/2 cup flour
2 cups chicken broth
1 1/2 cup heavy cream
Hunk of supermarket cheese (a half-pound? I can't remember, though you can add as much or as little as you want)
1 14.5 ounce can of diced tomatoes
1 small can of green chiles
2 little bags of Fritos
So here's what I did:
First, cook the chicken. I did this in advance, using four breasts on the bone. It shouldn't matter what parts you use, just don't overcook them. Dice and set aside.
Second, make the creamy glop that you cook the stuff in. I sauteed a medium onion in butter for five minutes, then added a teaspoon or so of garlic powder and a teaspoon or so of salt. Add stuff like rosemary, oregano, thyme at this point and mix in a half-cup of flour. Add two cups of chicken broth and 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream and let it reduce slightly and cool. While it's cooling, grate a hunk of cheese of some sort — probably cheddar or something similar — those hunks they sell at the store.
Next, add one 14.5 ounce can of diced tomatoes and one small can of green chiles to the glop. This will help the mixture cool further. Add the chicken at this point and one small bag of Fritos.
Next, grease a 9-by-13-inch pan (or thereabouts) and spoon the chicken-glop mixture into the bottom, then a layer of cheese and alternate until you're out of glop. Reserve some cheese for the top, add a bag of Fritos on the top and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top of that. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes.
This turned out pretty good. You can tweak the recipe, clearly, but as a starting point, there it is. Now you can strumpet around the Find Amy Dunne Headquarters with your can't-miss Chicken Frito Casserole . . .
Posted: January 14th, 2013 | Author: Scott | Filed under: Books Are The SUVs Of Writing | Tags: A Chicken Frito Casserole Recipe, Book Club, Spoiler Alert
There's a children's book called Goodnight Moon, which if you don't have a child or don't remember your own childhood, because let's face it, that could have been quite a while ago, you at least might recognize from a certain Audi commercial.
Goodnight Moon was published — or maybe we should say "put together," since "writing" isn't a word I associate with a 130-word piece — in 1947 and it reads weirdly in that weird way that stuff from back then reads. Not that it's necessarily weird, just that children from the 1940s seem like they were probably weird (sorry, Mom and Dad!). Maybe it's just that for me stuff from the 1940s seems like the line between olden times (like the Civil War) and modern times (like, I don't know, Mad Men?). (Actually, wasn't this a plot line on Mad Men, that Don Draper was the demarcation line between old-school war hero U.S. culture and new school 1960s culture? See I knew this tangent wasn't totally off base. Thank you, Matthew Weiner! Even though you were born in 1965, so like what the fuck?)
Anyway, all of which is to say that Goodnight Moon feels like it's old. Like in the way Dashiell Hammett feels old — and maybe in a way Mad Men does not; one of my pet peeves with that show is that I've wondered whether there was too much anachronism in the motivations of the characters: Like this is a modern drama trapped in a 1960s set piece (and the attention to detail is distracting and diversionary). But let's not get sidetracked on Mad Men, because that would be stupid.
No, what I really am most interested in right now is what is left out of the text in Goodnight Moon, because as you're probably aware, Moon features a young bunny rabbit (don't ask) saying goodnight to all the random shit in his (his?) room. I don't know why this makes it a smart book — it's certainly not "smarter" than Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb, for example — but people really like this book.
I think what they like about it is the reason all well-done children's books are done well, which is that the language has some rhythm and cadence (think Dr. Seuss, because you probably haven't forgotten those). Because babies are dumb, I've noticed this is what they seem to glom on to. As an aside, it's funny how many children's books don't get this — a lot do, don't get me wrong, but so many are just pieces of shit. Without shit-talking too many children's books authors, some just really piss me off. There's one about a fucking pigeon, for example, that just plods along and is boring as all get out; and then the pictures suck, or rather the art work looks pretty to hipster parents but leaves babies cold, which makes the whole endeavor just about the most asinine, self-centered thing to do — write a children's book that a child won't read. Those people need to seriously fuck the fuck off. Please.
Anyway, back to Goodnight Moon, which I suppose succeeds in part because it's inscrutable to adults and seemingly scrutable to children, which is to say, when you read it you're like "What the fuck just happened?" Because as near as you can tell when you read it, all that happens is that a bunny rabbit says goodnight to a bunch of shit in his (his?) room not once but several times.

But see, here's the thing that bothers me about the book — there are so many things that the bunny rabbit — and let's be clear, is it even a bunny rabbit? Does an anthropomorphized bunny count as a bunny rabbit? — so many things that he (he?) omits, and omits in favor of stuff like "air" and "nobody," that you're kind of like, there's something odd here. And not "odd," but "odd" like this book is sneaking-messages-past-Nazi-code-crackers odd. Here's a list of those therein:
1) A sort of animal skin rug on the floor beside the bed. I don't know what kind of animal this would be; it sort of looks like a cross between a zebra and a tiger, or what happens when a zebra, tiger and bear have a sexual romp. Perhaps it's obvious why this item doesn't get said goodnight to: I don't know how it would sound, maybe something along the lines of, "Goodnight Zebra-Bear-Hybrid Rug." Or maybe Clement Hurd just correctly anticipated IKEA design.
2) Slippers next to the bed that look like Chuka-Uggs, as in "Goodnight Slippers That Look Like Three-Quarter Uggs."
3) A pile of logs by the fireplace, as in "Goodnight Logs, Goodnight Log Rack" . . .
4) Related, "Goodnight Fireplace Tools And Stand, But With Missing Fire Poker" . . .
5) And of course, the fireplace itself — including an active fire — which seems a little bit like an elephant in the room.
6) Except that there's an actual elephant in the room, or at least an elephant doll.
7) And then that brings us to "Goodnight Strange Naked Male Doll On The Bookshelf" . . .
8) And "Goodnight Giraffe Doll" . . .
9) Also, "Goodnight Strange Partially Clothed Female Doll On The Bookshelf" . . .
10) And speaking of which, there's a pretty large bookshelf there that escapes scrutiny, but whatever.
11) Except forget "whatever" because there's also this self-reflexive copy of Goodnight Moon sitting on the nightstand next to the telephone, which I've been meaning to bring up, actually, because what is a telephone doing in a child's room? The 1948 FCC Annual Report (page 89 in this .pdf) shows there to be 20,499,920 residential telephones in the United States in 1947 out of a population of roughly 144 million, meaning about one phone for every seven people. And you want to tell me that a fucking bunny rabbit has one of these things in his (his?) room? I call bullshit. Or is this not a "child's" room after all? Are his parents dead? Did the Nazis take them? The best thing about children's books is that it's perfectly acceptable to raise more questions than get answered. In a "normal" book, an editor would say something like "You can't distract a reader with a telephone without explaining what it's doing there" but this is a different kind of writing, I suppose.
12) Right, speaking of which: Nightstand.
13) Did I mention the billowy drapes? Or does "Goodnight Billowy Drapes" not have a ring to it?
14) "Goodnight Woven Area Rug."
15) I could talk about the picture of the bunny fishing for another bunny next to a felled tree, but the whole idea sort of creeps me the fuck out.
16) And finally, the mantle holds two items next to one of the clocks that I honestly don't understand what they are. Perhaps urns for the ashes of the bunny's dead rabbit parents? I'd call them candlesticks but they really don't look like candlesticks. Maybe just "Goodnight Mantle Decor"?
Next up, an evaluation of the political subtexts of Caps For Sale, followed by a critical appreciation of Sandra Boynton.
Posted: December 21st, 2012 | Author: Scott | Filed under: Books Are The SUVs Of Writing, The Cult Of Domesticity | Tags: Goodnight Moon, I Got A Joke For You It's Called "Children's Literature", Mean Old Daddy, Periodization, Periodization And Matthew Weiner's Life, Telephone Usage In The U.S. (Historical Data), The Scrutability Of Children's Books, We Are All Al Perkins Now
When we were adolescents we read a lot of books that as adults we never would have considered reading. The Bell Jar sticks out in my mind. I remember slogging through the Tao Te Ching, too, except that it wasn't really a slog on account of me allowing myself to let my mind wander freely while my eyes skimmed some words on the page; I sort of think that I shouldn't even say that I "read" it, more than displayed it on a bookshelf for however long until my parents moved out of my childhood home and the book disappeared to I don't know where while I was living thousands of miles away.
Reading a book and understanding like none of it is kind of a crummy feeling. Part of me wonders whether high school English instructors keep teaching Shakespeare just to tweak children; they just seem to really enjoy explaining what stuff like "the beast with two backs" means. Me, I hate riddles. And all that is faux-homespun. Like I said, you can feel real crummy sometimes.
Which is why I eventually gave in to my insecurities and at some point decided that I really shouldn't care that I don't "get" Lao Tzu. And once you do that, it's just a slippery slope down past Pynchon, Joyce and whatever else until you one day realize that you summarily dismissed Blue Valentine after 45 minutes on account of it not seeming to have much of a plot: "Don't give a fuck; can we please just watch Breaking Amish already?"
All of which is to say, it wasn't all that clear to me after finishing Herbert Read's The Green Child how much time I needed to spend thinking about all that I didn't understand about the book. I decided it wasn't worth that much time.
Basically, there's a world with no weather where ex-dictators go to stare at crystals and die.
I remember talking to Frank's dad about Edward Albee's The Goat a while back when it was on Broadway and he was just exasperated: "I don't get it; it's a goat! He's bonking a goat!" He didn't use the word "bonk." I don't remember him using a more robust word, either, but you could see it in his soul: Edward Albee wrote a whole play about a guy who fucks a goat. And we're supposed to care why?
The Wikipedia page for Green has a couple of funny moments. One is a relatively recent remembrance of the novel, which I think can be boiled down to something along the lines of, "If you're going to write one novel in your life, you might as well make it fucking ridiculous." (Actually it said, "But The Green Child is the kind of book to write if you are going to leave just the one novel behind: singular, odd, completely original." Go big or go home!)
The other funny thing in the Wikipedia entry is the Orville Prescott The New York Times review of the book, which is basically this: "But, in spite of the limpid grace of his writing, his parable is ridiculous as well as vexatious. One feels constantly that shining truths are about to be revealed; that there is something important, something significant, hidden in these pages. But it is never made clear, while the ridiculous details remain all too conspicuously in view." It's funny how contemporary reviewers feel like they need to really represent a book. I don't know that you have to spend that much time thinking about a lot of stuff, but it's good someone does.
The other thing Prescott rips is Kenneth Rexroth's "pretentious introduction of uncommon density." I read it after finishing the book and thought that I must have really missed something. It's a hoot:
There has been a great proliferation of fiction in our day. There has been an even greater decline in quality. Since Ulysses, if you accept Ulysses as a great novel, there have been very few really great novels in English. Lady Chatterly, The Rainbow and Women in Love; Ford Madox Ford's Tietjens series, really one novel; some of Sherwood Anderson; the unfinished promise of William Carlos Williams' First Act; a few others. The Green Child is fully the equal of any of these, although it is of a rather more special kind. Graham Greene speaks of it as surcharged with a sense of glory — gloire — that special lustre and effulgence which Aquinas marks out as the sign manifest of great works of art. . . .
It goes on like that — for less than two pages, though it seems like 20 given how many names are dropped: Landor, Bagehot, Mill, Clerk, Maxwell, Walton, Gilbert White — you're like, fuck, was I high or something through undergrad? But this is the kicker:
I am not going to tell you the meaning of Read's allegory — the secret of his myth. At Eleusis the priestess rose from the subterranean marriage bed of the hierosgamos and exhibited an ear of barley, and today, scholars in their ivied halls by the Cam and Thames and Charles dispute about what she means. . . . What does it mean: What does the Tao Te Ching mean? What does the Book of Changes, that immemoriably subtile document, mean? All myth, all deep insight, means the same as and no more than the falling of the solar system on its long parabola through space.
Say what now?
So then of course I went down a rabbit hole about Kenneth Rexroth. What a charmed life! I mean, sure, he lost both parents before he really hit puberty and then got locked up in jail after being accused of running a brothel, but when you think about the way life goes, there are way worse outcomes than hitchhiking around the country, bumming around Paris, Mexico, South America and Greenwich Village before moving to San Francisco and becoming a poet. A poet! Who does that?! It's awesome. I mean these days running a food truck is considered "edgy." Artisanal mayonnaise, on the other hand . . .
Posted: November 20th, 2012 | Author: Scott | Filed under: Books Are The SUVs Of Writing | Tags: All Myth All Deep Insight Means The Same As And No More Than The Falling Of The Solar System On Its Long Parabola Through Space, And Who Is Sylvia?, Book Club, I Bought Four Ounces Of Mayonnaise And All I Got Was This Lousy Feeling About How New York Fuckin' City Is Divided Between Those That Can't Afford Rent And Those That Can Spend $5 On Mayonnaise, When Writing Was Limpid